A month ago, the principal from Rocklands High School contacted me concerning renting out the camp for his senior class. This school rented our camp for 2 weeks in October this past year, so I wasn’t expecting to hear from him so soon. He shared that their current seniors are behind starting the year and he wants to go ahead and rent our space for a month immediately. (The SA school year goes from Jan-Dec.) Within 4 days we had 84 new public high school seniors on campus for 27 straight days. This allowed us to have a service with them every night they were here. During this time 16 teens trusted Christ and many committed to coming to church. We are grateful for this opportunity and amazed to see the doors the Lord has opened for us to reach teens for Christ through the ministry of Camp Rhino.

These same students plan to return for another month in October and November to prepare for their graduating exams so please be praying that more believe on Jesus.
Prayer Requests & Praise
- 16 teens and one young single trusted Christ as Savior this past month at Camp Rhino.
- We have 19 students taking Bible College classes this semester at Bay Baptist Bible College. Please pray for them as they prepare for ministry. Additionally, pray that we can see more churches started from the investment made in these young people.
- Forty young adults from our team of churches attended our first overnight adult camp this month. Pastor Ryan Hayden from Mattoon, IL, served as our guest preacher. We are on track for this to be the first year of having a full schedule of activities at Camp Rhino.
- Please pray for Jacob and Christien Clower, missionaries to Mozambique. They are awaiting important paperwork from the State Department to proceed with their visas. They are looking forward to being on the field very soon.
- Also please pray for our Ladies’ camp coming up in May for all of our churches. This will be our first at Camp Rhino and the ladies are looking very forward to it.

Quick Updates & Needs
- We are traveling back to the States this weekend for 5 weeks to be a part of our annual orientation for Visions Baptist Missions and to present our ministry in new churches. I will also be reporting back to a few supporting churches as well. I have a couple of openings available if you would like me to come by your church.
- We still need $14,000 for the new property and building for Bay Baptist Bible College. We’re moving the Bible college to town to make it more centrally located for our students and for our pastors and missionaries who teach all the classes. This will help pay off the debt on the original purchase and prepare the building for classes in September.
Please continue to pray for my daughter Emilee during her internship in Argentina. I’m grateful she has this opportunity to learn under the Patrick Henry family.