Coffey Family July 2024 Prayer Letter

I want to thank you all for praying and reaching out after Camp Rhino flooded last month.  We’re so thankful for the encouraging words and gifts that we received.  What a tremendous blessing you all are.  

Camp Rhino was flooded less than two weeks before the start of our winter camps, but with the help of many friends and family, we were able to get the campus ready in time.  

Thankfully, our house bore the brunt of the flood, sparing much of the camp from severe damage. While there was significant cleanup and repairs to be done, everything quickly returned to normal. In fact, many have remarked that the camp looks better than ever. We are immensely grateful for all the help we received. Thanks to the efforts of volunteers, contract workers, and our dedicated staff, Camp Rhino made a swift recovery.

The damage to our house is quite extensive and will require significant time to repair. Fortunately, we have insurance and expect to learn this week how much will be covered. We are using this opportunity to update our home, finding a silver lining in the situation. My wife is coping well, especially with the prospect of getting her new kitchen, which has certainly lifted her spirits:)

Prayer Requests & Praise

  • This winter camp season, we had an incredible group of young people serving as camp counselors and workers. Representing eight churches from Port Elizabeth, these individuals are a testament to the spiritual growth and maturity happening in our churches. Please pray for our ministry, as we strive to inspire more people to dedicate their lives to establishing Bible-preaching churches throughout South Africa.  
  • During our Teen & Junior camps, we saw 24 young people saved, 9 gain assurance of their salvation, 2 rededicate their lives to the Lord, and 1 surrender to full-time ministry. Thank you for praying.  
  • Noah Haught, who has been serving as an intern helping with Camp Rhino and the Rhino Youth Home, returned to the States to begin raising support to return to South Africa full-time. Pray for him as he begins deputation, and pray that he can return quickly. He was a tremendous help during his time here. 

Quick Updates & Needs

  • An additional $4,000 has been contributed towards the purchase of a new 15-passenger van for Camp Rhino and the Rhino Youth Home, bringing our total to $15,000. The total cost of the van is $31,000. Please pray that we receive the remaining $16,000 soon so we can make the purchase.
  • We are raising funds to expand our dormitory space at Camp Rhino, needing 2 additional dorms for girls and 2 for boys. This expansion will support our growing camp for the coming years. The new dorms are estimated to cost approximately $20,000. Both our teen and junior camps were filled to capacity, and we even exceeded our limit, with 25 more juniors than we had space for.

Click the link below to read my daughter’s latest update about her 6-month internship in Argentina. She’s going into her last month.

Coffey Family March 2024 Prayer Letter

A month ago, the principal from Rocklands High School contacted me concerning renting out the camp for his senior class.  This school rented our camp for 2 weeks in October this past year, so I wasn’t expecting to hear from him so soon.  He shared that their current seniors are behind starting the year and he wants to go ahead and rent our space for a month immediately.  (The SA school year goes from Jan-Dec.) Within 4 days we had 84 new public high school seniors on campus for 27 straight days.  This allowed us to have a service with them every night they were here.  During this time 16 teens trusted Christ and many committed to coming to church.  We are grateful for this opportunity and amazed to see the doors the Lord has opened for us to reach teens for Christ through the ministry of Camp Rhino.   

These same students plan to return for another month in October and November to prepare for their graduating exams so please be praying that more believe on Jesus.  

Prayer Requests & Praise

  • 16 teens and one young single trusted Christ as Savior this past month at Camp Rhino. 
  • We have 19 students taking Bible College classes this semester at Bay Baptist Bible College. Please pray for them as they prepare for ministry. Additionally, pray that we can see more churches started from the investment made in these young people. 
  • Forty young adults from our team of churches attended our first overnight adult camp this month. Pastor Ryan Hayden from Mattoon, IL, served as our guest preacher. We are on track for this to be the first year of having a full schedule of activities at Camp Rhino.  
  • Please pray for Jacob and Christien Clower, missionaries to Mozambique. They are awaiting important paperwork from the State Department to proceed with their visas. They are looking forward to being on the field very soon. 
  • Also please pray for our Ladies’ camp coming up in May for all of our churches.  This will be our first at Camp Rhino and the ladies are looking very forward to it.

Quick Updates & Needs

  • We are traveling back to the States this weekend for 5 weeks to be a part of our annual orientation for Visions Baptist Missions and to present our ministry in new churches.  I will also be reporting back to a few supporting churches as well.  I have a couple of openings available if you would like me to come by your church.  
  • We still need $14,000 for the new property and building for Bay Baptist Bible College.  We’re moving the Bible college to town to make it more centrally located for our students and for our pastors and missionaries who teach all the classes. This will help pay off the debt on the original purchase and prepare the building for classes in September.

Please continue to pray for my daughter Emilee during her internship in Argentina. I’m grateful she has this opportunity to learn under the Patrick Henry family.

Upcoming Coffey/ Bush Wedding

Please be in prayer for my family as we head back to the States for a month for my son Luke’s wedding. I will also use this time to raise support for our Rhino Youth Home.

Amy and I are very proud of our son Luke and his fiancee Adriana Bush. Luke and Adri were actually both born in the same hospital only 6 months apart in Arequipa, Peru, South America, while all of us parents were in language school together. We have been close friends with Adri’s parents, Jeff and Mindy Bush, since our days at Crown College in Knoxville, TN. Our oldest son Tyler has already married their oldest Bush daughter, Lydia, and now our youngest son is marrying their second daughter. Jeff serves as the President of our mission board, Vision Baptist Missions, and needless to say, we love and appreciate the Bush family very much.

Pray for these two as they begin this new journey together. We look very forward to seeing how the Lord uses them in years to come. They both have a heart for missions and are training at the Our Generation Training Center in Dawsonville, GA for full-time missions.

As we travel back to the States, I do have a few openings if you would be interested in having me present in your church. We leave South Africa on September 11th and head back on October 11th.

Coffey Video Ministry Update

Before we left for the US in February we made an updated version of our ministry video. The first one we did was hosted by our son Luke when he was 11 years old I believe. Things have changed a bit since then.

If you’ve never seen the first video you can check it out here.

Coffey Family May 2023 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests & Praise

  • We have a new teen girl, Asanda (pictured below), who has come into the Rhino Youth Home.  She has been a faithful teen at one of our churches for many years but was kicked out of her abusive home a couple of weeks ago.  She’s had to grow up in a very rough environment and we’re glad we can provide a safe haven for her.  Pray for her as she adjusts and pray the Lord will use her in a big way.       
  • Please be praying for the missions team coming from Southside Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN next month.  During their mission trip, they will also be helping with our winter teen camp at Camp Rhino.  
  • Please pray for my daughter Emilee who will be raising money for her 6-month internship in Argentina soon.  This internship will be the last part of her bachelor’s degree from the Our Generation Training Center. She plans to leave for her internship in February. 

Quick Updates

  • During the first week of June, Amy and I will be traveling to Nigeria to visit our missionaries, Graham and Olivia Young.  We’re looking forward to being with them and seeing the city they plan to start their first church in.  Please keep them and the country of Nigeria in your prayers.  It’s the largest populated country on the continent of Africa with very few missionaries.  Pray for more laborers. 
  • Listed are a few of the larger needs we have for Camp Rhino and the Youth Home.  Pray the Lord will provide as He would like us to add them:  additional Boys’ & Girls’ dorms $25,000 per dorm; Wood/Trades Work Shop Tools & Counters $8000; Tractor loader and backhoe $25,000; 15-passenger van $25,000.

Being back home here at Camp Rhino, at our churches, and at my bible studies these past few days has been very refreshing.  We really miss our children in America, but we’re very glad to be back in South Africa.  

At the end of May, we have a new intern, Noah, coming for 8 months that will be helping with the camp.  He’s also here to see if this would be something the Lord would have him do full-time.  Pray for the Lord to use and direct him during his time here. With his help, we’re looking forward to improving a lot of areas in the coming weeks.  

As I’ve traveled to a few countries this past month in Africa, I’m challenged even more by the great need.  My hope is that our team and ministries here in South Africa will help raise up and train new missionaries that will not only help us here in South Africa but be an evangelistic force all over Africa.  There are so many great opportunities before us to start Bible-preaching churches, but the need for laborers is great.

Coffey Family April 2023 Prayer Letter

This month comes with sadness and joy.  Lisolethu, a 17-year-old boy who lived at our Youth Home for over 2 years, quickly passed away from Spinal Meningitis.  His funeral was held this past Saturday.  We praise the Lord that Liso made a profession of faith and I believe we’ll see him again soon.  Even after leaving the Youth Home this past December, he continued being faithful to church and inviting his friends to church. Liso will be missed very much.      

There are many just like Liso who die young but don’t have a Bible-preaching church in their community.  We must keep going, and we must continue raising up more people to reach the billions who still haven’t heard a clear presentation of the Gospel.  I pray Liso’s death will be a catalyst for many to be more serious about reaching the lost. 

This has been a hard time for our team at Camp Rhino, our churches, and also my family.  We were all very close to Liso, and being so far away from the ministry during this time has also been more difficult.  Thankfully we return to South Africa tomorrow. 

Prayer Request & Praise

  • Pray for our family as we return to South Africa tomorrow, April 27th. We look forward to being home, but leaving our son Luke on this side will be hard.  We arrived in South Africa in 2013 with all five of our children and now we’re returning with just one, our 12-year-old daughter Addison.     
  • Pray for Nate and Emily Wilkerson with the birth of their beautiful new daughter Alaska.  I was privileged to be in Burkina Faso when she was born a few weeks ago.  Also, pray for the Wilkersons as they finish language school and head to the country of Benin soon.  
  • With the death of Liso, I’m burdened with the work of our Youth Home now more than ever.  Pray as we continue ministering to the teens we have and pray that we will have wisdom in accepting new ones. 

Quick Updates

  • Congratulations to my son Luke who just proposed to his girlfriend Adriana Bush.  Luke and Adri have been dating for quite some time and we are thrilled about Adria being a part of our family.  Their plan is to get married this coming September.  
  • My trip to Mozambique and Burkina Faso was fantastic.  I’m excited about the potential our new missionary team has in Mozambique and I was blown away by the work our missionaries are doing in Burkina Faso.  God is using them to make an amazing impact in their cities.  
  • Last week I was honored to be a part of Vision Baptist Mission’s annual orientation.  We have a good number of new missionaries heading to the field soon.  Getting to spend time with these new missionaries is one of my favorite weeks of the year.   Please pray for them. 

Coffey Family January 2023 Prayer Letter

Lawn Mower Water Slide

Summer camp season has ended.  From our junior and teens camps, we saw 61 young people make professions of faith in Jesus Christ.  What a fantastic time with all our Camp Rhino workers and our volunteers from the States.  This was definitely one of the best camp seasons in our short 4-year history.  

Teen Girls Camp

Over the past 4 years, we have been able to operate almost debt-free due to generous gifts from churches and individuals.  All our property and buildings are paid off.  This year we are hoping to start raising monthly support for Camp Rhino that will enable us to plan for more building projects and cover the actual camp, youth home, and bible college costs.  Right now we’re spending at least $2000 a month just for basic upkeep and expenses. 

Kick Ball Water Slide

If your church would be interested in making Camp Rhino part of your monthly mission budget we would be very grateful.  We pray that this camp and training ministry will continue to aid in more churches being started all over Africa.    

Teen Boys Camp

Prayer Requests  & Praise        

  • We saw 10 girls and 15 boys trust Christ during our teen camps.  We had 68 teen boys the first week and 52 teen girls the 2nd week.  School schedules limited our numbers a bit, but we still had great camps.  
  • Pray for Lighthouse Baptist Church.  We’ve made it past the normal summer slump and had a great attendance of 50 people this past week.  I’m praying we will average over 100 by the end of the year.  We also had two men trust Christ after the morning service to start the new year off right. 
  • Pray for our son Luke who will be going back to live in the States in February.  He will be working and getting ready for Bible College in September.  Any time our kids leave is a difficult time for us parents.  We need your prayers as well:)
Luke & Addi

Quick Updates  

  • Interns Josh and Morgan Barton arrived to start their 3-month internship.  The Barton’s believe the Lord may be leading them to the neighboring country of Mozambique after their internship.  Pray as they finish up their last months. 
  • Missionaries Noah & Tristan Wilkerson’s little girl Alainey has been making good progress.  Please continue to pray for her and the long road ahead.  
  • We’re heading back to the States on February 6 until April 26th with our son and to be a part of VBM’s annual orientation.  We’re praying for this to be a productive time for recruiting, teaching, and fundraising. 
  • New Support Address | Vision Baptist Missions has moved locations.  Vision Baptist Missions P.O. Box 647 Dawsonville, GA 30534

Coffey Family December 2022 Prayer Letter

“Nobody broke a bone or was seriously injured in any way.”  That’s always an excellent statement to hear after a week of junior camps, especially after a few new camp games were added that might have raised the possibility of injury a bit.  Our junior summer camps at Camp Rhino have come to an end and we had a fantastic time.  

Young people were saved and our counselors and staff did a tremendous job ministering to all the campers.  

Thank you all who have given or plan to give to make these camps possible.  We couldn’t do it without your sacrifices.   We’re gearing up for our teen camps in a couple of weeks and can’t wait to see what the Lord does.  

It was very exciting to have our first 3 graduates from the Bay Baptist Bible College finish their Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies.  Two of these men are pastors and the third is on deputation for Mozambique.  God is good!  Pray for more laborers to be raised up and sent out. 

Quick Updates:

  • Merry Christmas to all. Please pray for our 2 boys and their spouses, and for Emilee, who are back in the States.  Not being with them during this time is a little hard, but they are all doing well. Praise the Lord. 
  • Our churches are doing well in spite of the low attendance because of the summer holiday season here in South Africa.
  • Josh and Hannah Dalporto arrived from The Wild’s Camp in NC and are here to assist us for 3 months. 
  • We have another couple arriving for a 3-month internship in January and also 7 young people from a supporting church who will be here the month of January to be involved in the ministry. 
  • Contact me if you are interested in a short or long-term internship. We would love to have you.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please be in prayer for our missionaries to Mozambique, Noah & Tristan Wilkerson, and their new baby Alainey.  Alainey was born with several health issues and we’re asking the Lord to intervene. 
  • 23 junior boys trusted Christ this week along with 13 junior girls.  Please pray for their growth in their new walk with Christ.  Also, pray for each of the churches that are ministering to these young people.   
  • Boys’ Teen Camp starts on January 4th, while the girls’ camp starts on the 10th. Pray God does something big in the lives of these young people.

Don’t miss out. The Our Generation Summit will take place at our Mission Board from December 29-31. If you would be interested in attending click here to get more information and also to sign up.

Coffey Family July 2022 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests/ Praises

  • My wife’s ear surgery seems to have been a complete success.  We won’t know for sure how much hearing she regained until next month, but things are sounding good, figuratively and literally:)  Thanks so much for your prayers.  
  • Please pray for Missionary Katie Dilfer’s South African Visa.  She’s ready to come as soon as she has her visa. 
  • Pray for the 30+ Juniors and Teens that have accepted Christ as their personal Savior these past few weeks during our Winter Camp Days.  
  • Pray for us as we are considering starting a new church.  We are currently working out of Lighthouse Baptist Church with Pastor Mvume but are leaning toward starting a new church soon. 

Quick Updates

  • Since May, we’ve hosted 4 different mission teams with 75 people in total.  God used them here in a great way and really worked in many of their lives.  Our hope is that God calls many Gospel laborers from these teams. 
  • This week we are having separate Junior Camps for boys and girls.  So far over a dozen boys trusted Christ.  The girls will arrive this evening. 
  • 2 Weeks ago we hosted Teen Camp days for the boys and girls separately as well.  We had 13 young people trust Christ during those days. 
  • Vision Baptist Missions will be hosting the World Evangelism Fellowship on November 8th.  You can click here for more info.  It’s going to be a great time. 

Now that all our mission teams have departed we’re going to be working a lot more on the Youth Home this month.  We have 3 teens ready to move in and possibly a fourth.  Pray that we find the right house parents for the Home.  We have some that can help temporarily but are praying for a long-term solution.  

I would like to ask you to pray for Pastor Khona Nohamba and his church Nkandla Baptist Church.  Khona recently graduated from our Bible College and is looking forward to devoting more time to building the church.  

We helped Khona right before the start of Covid and unfortunately had to close a few weeks later.  He and his wife Iminathi have been working hard to restart the church and have been making good progress. In our city of over a million people, there is much work that needs to be done. Pray that we can build a foundation that will last and aid in church planting for years to come.

Update on Amy’s Ear Surgery

As many of you know, Amy had surgery on her left ear on May 16th. She went in for the surgery at 7 am, but they couldn’t fit her in until around 1 pm. They finished the surgery at about 4:30 pm and I was able to take her home around 8 pm. It was a very long day for her no doubt.

Since getting out of surgery, along with having her ear taped and packed full of cotton, she’s had to stay at home, avoid loud noises, and not be in a car or lift anything over 10lbs. That actually continues for another week.

This past Wednesday we met with Amy’s doctor for the first time since her ear surgery. The doctor cleaned out her ear and said that everything looks great and things are progressing nicely. Amy has already regained a lot of hearing in that ear, but we won’t know the full results for several weeks. We do know that she’s not deaf and we praise the Lord she has not experienced any vertigo, which is very common.

I can’t thank you all enough for your prayers.

P.S. It looks like we will have full control of the new property for the South Africa Youth Home the first week of June. It’s been amazing to see how the Lord is bringing everything together.