Camp Rhino Christmas Camps

Join us for an exciting adventure at our upcoming summer camps! The Junior Camp is set for December 12-14, while the Teen Camp will take place from January 9-12. Each camper requires a sponsor, and with a cost of approximately $50 per person, your support can make a meaningful impact.

We are reaching out to seek sponsors for our campers and would greatly appreciate your assistance. With over 200 participants expected across both camps, we estimate a total cost of around $5000. Your contribution will not only help cover the expenses but also contribute to creating memorable experiences for these young individuals.

If you’re interested in being a part of this enriching journey or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Your generosity can make a significant difference in the lives of these campers, and we look forward to the possibility of your support.

Give through PayPal.

Give through Vision Baptist Missions.

Upcoming Coffey/ Bush Wedding

Please be in prayer for my family as we head back to the States for a month for my son Luke’s wedding. I will also use this time to raise support for our Rhino Youth Home.

Amy and I are very proud of our son Luke and his fiancee Adriana Bush. Luke and Adri were actually both born in the same hospital only 6 months apart in Arequipa, Peru, South America, while all of us parents were in language school together. We have been close friends with Adri’s parents, Jeff and Mindy Bush, since our days at Crown College in Knoxville, TN. Our oldest son Tyler has already married their oldest Bush daughter, Lydia, and now our youngest son is marrying their second daughter. Jeff serves as the President of our mission board, Vision Baptist Missions, and needless to say, we love and appreciate the Bush family very much.

Pray for these two as they begin this new journey together. We look very forward to seeing how the Lord uses them in years to come. They both have a heart for missions and are training at the Our Generation Training Center in Dawsonville, GA for full-time missions.

As we travel back to the States, I do have a few openings if you would be interested in having me present in your church. We leave South Africa on September 11th and head back on October 11th.

Coffey Family April 2023 Prayer Letter

This month comes with sadness and joy.  Lisolethu, a 17-year-old boy who lived at our Youth Home for over 2 years, quickly passed away from Spinal Meningitis.  His funeral was held this past Saturday.  We praise the Lord that Liso made a profession of faith and I believe we’ll see him again soon.  Even after leaving the Youth Home this past December, he continued being faithful to church and inviting his friends to church. Liso will be missed very much.      

There are many just like Liso who die young but don’t have a Bible-preaching church in their community.  We must keep going, and we must continue raising up more people to reach the billions who still haven’t heard a clear presentation of the Gospel.  I pray Liso’s death will be a catalyst for many to be more serious about reaching the lost. 

This has been a hard time for our team at Camp Rhino, our churches, and also my family.  We were all very close to Liso, and being so far away from the ministry during this time has also been more difficult.  Thankfully we return to South Africa tomorrow. 

Prayer Request & Praise

  • Pray for our family as we return to South Africa tomorrow, April 27th. We look forward to being home, but leaving our son Luke on this side will be hard.  We arrived in South Africa in 2013 with all five of our children and now we’re returning with just one, our 12-year-old daughter Addison.     
  • Pray for Nate and Emily Wilkerson with the birth of their beautiful new daughter Alaska.  I was privileged to be in Burkina Faso when she was born a few weeks ago.  Also, pray for the Wilkersons as they finish language school and head to the country of Benin soon.  
  • With the death of Liso, I’m burdened with the work of our Youth Home now more than ever.  Pray as we continue ministering to the teens we have and pray that we will have wisdom in accepting new ones. 

Quick Updates

  • Congratulations to my son Luke who just proposed to his girlfriend Adriana Bush.  Luke and Adri have been dating for quite some time and we are thrilled about Adria being a part of our family.  Their plan is to get married this coming September.  
  • My trip to Mozambique and Burkina Faso was fantastic.  I’m excited about the potential our new missionary team has in Mozambique and I was blown away by the work our missionaries are doing in Burkina Faso.  God is using them to make an amazing impact in their cities.  
  • Last week I was honored to be a part of Vision Baptist Mission’s annual orientation.  We have a good number of new missionaries heading to the field soon.  Getting to spend time with these new missionaries is one of my favorite weeks of the year.   Please pray for them. 

Coffey Family March 2022 Prayer Letter

Would you consider committing $1000 to be one of the 100 churches to give towards the Africa Youth Home?  We are needing $100,00 by the end of April for this purchase.  It is the property right next to Camp Rhino, which makes it a very strategic location.  

The asking price is around $113,000, and we’ve already raised about $13,000.  I know with prices going crazy in the States and really around the world with fuel and inflation, this is a tough time, but we know this youth home is going to help a lot of young people who don’t have anything.   

Prayer Requests  Praise        

  • We will be back to the States for our Annual Missions Orientation in April.  Pray this is a productive time with our new missionaries.  We’re also planning to raise funds for the Africa Youth Home. Pray we can raise $100,000 in a month:)
  • Please continue to pray for my wife’s ear surgery.  The date has been set for her to have surgery on May 16th.   
  • Pray for Missionary Katie Dilfer’s visa to arrive.  Unfortunately, it didn’t arrive in time and she had to cancel her tickets to South Africa for the end of February. She is hoping she will be here no later than the end of April.   
  • As soon as we get back in April, we also need to apply for new visas.  Pray we can get those worked out as soon as possible. There’s been a back log and some have waited over a year for their visas. 
  • We are thankful for those who gave to replace the things that were stolen in January.  We have bought almost everything back now. 

Quick Updates  

  • We’ve started construction on a new building for Nkandla Baptist Church.  Pastor Khona & his wife Iminathi are excited about having a larger more permanent building.   
  • This last week I was in Nigeria with Graham and Olivia Young during their survey trip.  They will return in July to work full-time under Missionary Mark Holmes for their first two years.  Please be praying for them and Nigeria.  There are very few missionaries to Nigeria for over 220 million people.  We badly need more missionaries in this country. 
  • This past month, we’ve seen two guys that I’ve worked with for years walked away from the Lord come back to church.  We praise the Lord and pray the Lord continues working in their lives to make them more like Him.
Nigerian Style with Graham and Olivia Young

In church news, the main church we are working in now, Lighthouse Baptist Church, has been having more visitors.  Pray, we see more saved.  There are so many without Christ.  New Life Baptist Church is still struggling unfortunately in the more affluent part of the township, but Vision Baptist is doing well.

New building for Nkandla Baptist Church

Break-In @ Camp Rhino

This past week I’ve been reminded how we’re not alone on the field. We have been very encouraged by the outreach and support of God’s people during this unexpected time.

For those who didn’t see our Facebook post, our home was broken into early Tuesday morning while we were asleep by three men who were carrying knives.

Thankfully, no one woke up while they were in our home, but unfortunately the guys got away with about $5,000 worth of equipment: including my laptop, 2 tablets, the camp sound system, and our power generator among other things.

My office- I’m blaming the messy desk on the robbers:)

We are upgrading our security system which we believe will be a big deterrent for future break-ins.

Pray we can replace all these items as soon as possible. Everything that was stolen was used on a regular basis here for the ministry.

We want to thank those who have already reached out to let us know they want to help. You all have been a great blessing.

Coffey Family November 2019 Prayer Letter

This past week, our teen discipleship meeting went in a different direction.  As we were starting our study, 3 men came into the home of the church members where we have been meeting and robbed us at gunpoint.  Thankfully, no one was hurt, but they did get away with my MacBook and iPhone along with my son, Luke’s iPhone and about $300. Pray we can replace some of these things ASAP.  My family keeps making fun of me for saying “Hey Siri” anticipating a response from my phone that I no longer have. I really do use my phone and computer in almost every part of our ministry though:)

Some of our teens

It’s hard to believe we only have 2 months left in 2019.  It amazes me that so much has taken place, yet I can be overwhelmed at times at how much more we have to do.  I can say through it all, we are having a fantastic time seeing God work.  What a privilege it is to be in the Lord’s work.  Thank you all for making that possible.

My Son Luke

Prayer Requests & Praise  

  • What we are calling our Christmas Camp is from Dec. 10th-13th.  We need help sponsoring campers to offset expenses at $50 per camper.   We are preparing for 100 teen campers for the first camp of the summer season. Click here to donate via PayPal.
  • Pray for many to come to Christ during year-two of Camp Rhino. 
  • 8 of our teens were with my son Luke and me when I was robbed this week along with 2 other faithful adults from our church.  Pray the Lord uses this in our lives to help us be more serious concerning eternity. 
  • We received great news this week regarding property for a possible medical clinic.  It looks like our district is going to give us a terrific piece of property to use for the clinic at a great price.  Please continue to pray as we go forward with the idea of starting our own full-time medical clinic here in South Africa.
Only a few weeks until our 2019 Teen Camp

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • We are short about $3,000 of the $20,000 needed to complete the new dorm-style cabins at Camp Rhino.   The roof is going on this week, but we still lack the doors and electrical systems. Please be praying as we also need to prepare the space we will be using for the main auditorium.
  • We just passed the one year anniversary of when we first purchased the property for Camp Rhino.  So far this year we’ve seen over 60 professions of faith through our camp events.  We’re praying and hoping for even greater results during this next year.
  • Contact me in you’re interested in a missions trip to South Africa. We would love to have you. You can join a group or bring your own. We are booked for groups for the Summer months of 2020 but have room for individuals and off months. We are also scheduling for 2021 and 2022. Come experience Camp Rhino for yourself.
  • It looks like we will be in the States next year for my oldest son’s wedding, probably from April to June. I will also be using that time to raise extra support to help with our current and future ministries. If you would like to have us in during that time please just let me know.
The roof is on our girl dorms

August 2017 Prayer Letter


Dear Pastor and Friends,

Much has happened since our last update. Thank you so much for your prayers for us and the work here in South Africa. One prayer request from our last letter was for our youth conference. We had a great turn out. The Lord blessed and we saw two people make professions of faith after hearing the gospel.


We held our fist Vacation Bible School at Soweto Baptist Church last month. It was a mad house, but it was a lot of fun! We had a high attendance of 130 kids. There were about 25+ workers who were involved. The youth worked hard to put on a skit every day and some of the mamas and young ladies served snacks. Several of our young men had the opportunity to preach the gospel. It was exciting to see our people serve.


One of my favorite times of the week is Sunday afternoon. We do not have an evening service, but we do have a small informal Bible study. My wife teaches the ladies while I teach the men (and teens). My wife is going through the book of Galatians at the moment with the ladies and I am teaching the men on hermeneutics. (Below is my classroom setting)

Other Prayer Requests:

  • Furlough: We will leave for the states in just a couple of weeks, on Aug 21. We do still have a few spots available on our calendar. If you or your church would like for us to come and present our ministry or give an update, please email me at
  • Bible Institute: It will start up the day after we leave, on August 22. Please pray for all those who will be attending; for faithfulness and application
  • Soweto Baptist Church: The church is still very new (only 1 1/2 years old). Our guys are still very young in the faith. Pray the Lord uses this time to grow them. Also pray for the Underwood family, who will be helping to fill the gaps.

Thanks again for all you do and may God bless you!


Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

Support Address:
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
Att. Jeremy Hall
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517
Home Church:
Whitfield Baptist Church
Pastor Wayne Cofield
2134 Dug Gap Rd.
Dalton, GA 30720
Personal Contact Info:


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