Next week marks the beginning of a new academic year at our Bible College, and we are thrilled to share some exciting news. Bay Baptist Bible College is expanding its presence with the opening of a new branch, conveniently located near our city center. To make this vision a reality, we seek your support in raising $32,000 within the next 40 days for the purchase of the new property and buildings.
Your prayers are greatly appreciated and needed. The new branch is situated just a street away from our Christian School, offering a more central and accessible location for both our students and pastors. This strategic move allows us to enhance convenience compared to our current Camp Rhino campus on the outskirts of town. While our facilities at Camp Rhino will continue to serve various purposes, the primary campus is shifting to a more centralized location in town. Your partnership in this move is needed, and we appreciate your support in making our vision a reality.

Prayer Requests & Praise
- 11 teens made professions of faith during Teen Camp last month. Thank you so much for praying and for donating.
- Please pray for our Bible College students who start classes on February 12th.
- Please also pray for missionaries Kevin & Corli Hall, who are the pioneer missionaries working here in South Africa. They are currently serving at Kuyga Baptist Church, and Kevin also heads up the Bible College ministry. Additionally, he is cursed to be my first cousin:)
- Pray also for missionaries Noah & Tristan Wilkerson. It appears that they will be coming to South Africa for their first two years on the field for training and to allow their baby Alainey to gain more strength before heading to Mozambique. The healthcare in South Africa is much better suited to handle Alainey’s needs, and this arrangement will also allow the Wilkersons to stay connected to Mozambique, which is a neighboring country. They hope to arrive here in April.

Quick Updates & Needs
- Our summer camp season was a great success at Camp Rhino. Thirty-three young people came to know Christ, and we experienced the best turnout from our church members volunteering as counselors during our camps. The year 2024 is anticipated to be our best at Camp Rhino yet, marking the first time we have an event booked every month since the inception of the camp.
- Our daughter, Emilee, left this past week for the States and will be traveling to Argentina in just a few days to start her six-month internship. It was fantastic having her here for six weeks, and we look forward to her time in South America. Please continue to pray for her during this period.