Coffey Family January 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests

  • The sell of our house in the US-  It goes on the market this coming month. Our plan is to use the money toward the purchase of our camp property.    
  • Property search- We have begun looking for the right property to start Camp Rhino.  Pray we pick well.  
  • Our oldest son Tyler- This will be a repeating prayer request:). He’s back in Georgia training to be a missionary.  It’s tough being separated.  (I think more for us than for him:))  

Quick Updates & Reminders:


  • We are back in South Africa.
  • Timmy and Destiny Kelly arrive in just a few days for their 6 month internship to complete their training with the Our Generation Training Center. This is the same school my son Tyler is attending in Alpharetta, GA, which is a ministry out of our home church. 
  • We completed our first two children’s books that teach missions principles and features Camp Rhino.  Go to to order Lana’s Spots or The Little Five Friends Coloring and Activity Book.  

Last month, I announced that we met our $100,000 goal for Camp Rhino.  This month I’m happy to announce that not only did we meet our goal, we blew past it with an extra $29,000.  We now have $129,000 to put toward the property we want to purchase for the camp.    

We have looked at a few possible locations for Camp Rhino and the prices we’ve seen have been around $180 to $200,000.  With the proceeds from the sell of our home in the US, I believe we will come very close to this amount.   

We have enjoyed very much being back at New Life Baptist Church.  The church has done well with Pastor Sipho since our time in the states.  All the faithful folks we left behind are still attending, and the churches outreach has expanded.  For their Friday children’s outreach, they had several dozen new children attending, while there were at least 12  new faces in the youth meeting following the children’s service.

Please pray as we look for property to start another church.  New Life is currently holding services in two different locations so we can more access to the thousands of people in our area. 

I want to thank you all again for your involvement in our ministry.  We are truly blessed to partner with all of you.

January 2017 Prayer Letter

Dear Pastor and Friend,

After 4 days of traveling (due to changes made to our flight schedule) Bekah, the kids, and I all arrived home on January 6th. We have picked up right where we left off almost 5 months ago. Our short furlough was nice, seeing friends and family and getting to give reports of what the Lord is doing here was fun, but getting back into the work is what we are really passionate about.

I am starting to get back into the hang of preaching in isiXhosa. Bekah too, is back at it. Yesterday afternoon she met with 5 teenage girls, and 2 twelve year old girls who have recently made professions of faith in Christ. They discussed salvation and baptism for a couple of hours and all have chosen to obey the Lord through believer’s baptism. These girls have all been faithfully attending our youth meeting held by Mxolisi Dama, our untitled youth pastor. We rejoice with a joy that is unspeakable to see how the Lord is using his life!

Tuesday night we started a new semester of Bible Institute. We currently have 13 people enrolled, one of which is from Soweto Baptist Church; Matthew Olwethu. He continues strong and is over half way finished with the curriculum. He continues to serve as the children’s church teacher.

On January 31st we will have new interns arriving. We are excited to have the Kelley family, Timmy and his wife Destiny. They are part of the Our Generation Training Center and will be with us for the next 6 months. Please remember them in your prayers as they travel and get settled in here.

Until today, we have been hosting the Coffey family in our basement while they were looking for their own house to rent. They also have just returned from furlough. Pray for Mark and Amy as they get back into their ministry and also as Mark continues searching for property for Camp Rhino.


  • Next month we will start having Sunday School, and full out children’s church at Soweto.
  • We may have found land for Camp Rhino. We meet with our lawyer this week to discuss setting up the non-profit organization.
  • Please pray that we continue to learn and adapt to the Xhosa Culture and Language. We have come a long ways, but there is still much room for improvement.
  • On February 14th we will start a new outreach ministry at Soweto, English Classes. This was a very productive outreach in Peru and we are expecting the same results here. It will be a great opportunity for our interns to serve and have an impact in our congregation though they do not speak the language.

Your prayers and donations are vitally important to all the work the Lord is doing in South Africa. We cannot thank you enough for your partnership with our ministry.

Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

Support Address:
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
Att. Jeremy Hall
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517

Home Church:
Whitfield Baptist Church
Pastor Wayne Cofield
2134 Dug Gap Rd.
Dalton, GA 30720

Personal Contact Info:

Departing with $100,000 and much much more

As we get ready to leave for the airport today, I wanted to send you our last update before we head back to South Africa.

Two weeks before our goal date, December 31, 2017, we crossed the $100,000 mark that we were trying to reach for Camp Rhino.  As many of you know, this was the initial amount we wanted to raise in order to purchase property to start our camp and training center in South Africa.  Well…….we didn’t stop there.  A week later we received a $20,000 donation and the week after that we received an $8000 donation.  With those gifts an a few others we are now over $129,000 for Camp Rhino.

I want to Praise the Lord.  He did much more than we even hoped for.  I also believe other donations are on their way and there is no telling where we will be by the end of January.

Thank you for your prayers and for your giving.  I am so very grateful for your involvement.

Please be praying as we pack the last minute things, drive to the airport, and go through the difficult time of saying goodbye to our family and friends.  Today will be a bitter sweet time, but we are definitely looking forward to getting back to our ministry in South Africa.

Please especially pray for us and for our oldest son Tyler who will be staying here in the states.  He attending the Our Generation Training Center at our home church to become a missionary as well.  Leaving him behind will be the hardest thing for us as we head back.