Prayer Requests & Praise
- God has opened doors for us to work in Zambia and in Kenya with some very trusted and proven national pastors along with a missionary from the Philippians. Pray more doors to be opened so we can help make even a greater impact in all of Africa.
- We are currently trying to help 65 pastors ministering in Zambia. Because of a severe drought and Covid19, many of these pastors are starving. For about $20 we can help these pastors’ families survive on cornmeal for 3 to 4 weeks. Please pray for them during this time. Pray that we can also raise more funds to help. So far we’ve only been able to send enough money to help about 20 pastors a month.
- Pastor Thomas Alute who recently came and preached a marriage conference for us from Kenya is in need of help in order to assist the team of pastors He works with. Because of Covid19, they are in the same situation as South Africa, but with fewer resources to work with. They are asking for help to buy food that would enable them to minister to their people and surrounding communities.
- Please pray for two of our most vulnerable churches during this time. Light House Baptist Church and Nkandla Baptist Church are just a few weeks old. Pastor Nohamba and Pastor Johnson aren’t able to have more than telephone contact with those that have been attending.
- Our pastors are going to try to hold small services and Bible studies in a few of the township communities in Port Elizabeth. Pray they will be able to evangelize and train without hindrance.

At the last minute, my family decided to take the last flight out of South Africa after being on lockdown for 2 weeks. It was a difficult decision, but I’m glad now we decided to do it. South Africa is still on lockdown and it may be many months before international flights start back. We’ve even heard rumors that church services may not be allowed to start back officially until September. At least now, we don’t have to worry about missing our son’s wedding, but we hope to be back in August.
Our hope is that we can travel and present our ministry here in the states as things seem to be opening back up, and then be back to South Africa right when things open back up there.
We are currently raising money to do outreach during the lockdown in South Africa. Our Pastors can go door to door passing out the Gospel as long as they also give out food. A bag of rice along with a Gospel tract and church invitation cost about $1.50. We would appreciate any amount that would help our churches continue to reach out to their communities. So far we’ve given been able to purchase about 900 bags of rice.