Camp Rhino Totals Update

So far $21,891 has been given toward the property for Camp Rhino and $2500 has been committed.  That brings our totals through March up to $24,391.  That puts us only $608 behind our monthly goal, but we are now quickly going through April.  We pray we can raise $8941 in April to make up from the shortage in March.

Although we are a bit behind going into April, I’m thrilled to see almost 25% of the needed funds come through for the property.  God has blessed, and I’m grateful and humbled for all the help.

I want to remind those giving to Camp Rhino, when you invest in this ministry, you are investing in the lives of many teenagers.  Most of these teens have no earthly father, but are going to learn about our heavenly Father.  

You can now give online directly for the camp through Vision Baptist Missions by following this link.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.

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