Prayer Requests & Praise
- South Africa is currently on a 21-day lockdown like many other countries. This, of course, is affecting all our ministries. Pray God does a great work during this “downtime.” No one is supposed to leave their home unless it’s for food or medical needs.
- We were going to fly out through the American Embassy this next week but have decided to wait here in South Africa for the lockdown to end. The flight they are offering is the last one out of South Africa for Americans, but it comes with an $8000 price tag:). Pray the lockdown will be lifted in time so we can make it back for our oldest son’s wedding. Lord willing we’ll be back sometime in May or June:)
- Please pray for two of our most vulnerable churches during this time. Light House Baptist Church and Nkandla Baptist Church are just a few weeks old. Pastors Nohamba and Johnson aren’t able to have more than telephone contact with those that have been attending.
- Pray we can raise $5000 soon so we can build facilities to start our 4th church. We have the property now but need help with the slab floor and building. We want to start construction as soon as the lockdown is over. With the economy being hit so badly, the value of the $ has risen about 25%. This is bad for South Africans overall, but it is helpful for building. We should be able to build for a lot less right now.

Quick Updates & Reminders:
- We would love to have you be one of our 2021 Mission teams. Bring a group and help be a part of what’s going on at Camp Rhino and all our churches. Construction for our new auditorium is on hold at the moment. The walls have been extended and some of the trusses have been put together. Our construction crew plans to be back the moment the lockdown is over.
Being quarantined at Camp Rhino isn’t so bad. Our two new pastors live on campus, along with Khona’s wife and daughter. We also have two of our full-time workers, two interns, and 4 teenagers from our church staying on during this time. We are having Bible classes, while all the guys are putting in 4 to 5 hours of work around the camp each day to keep themselves busy. Playing soccer and taking time off in the pool has worked at keeping them from being bored.
Athi, our deaf teenager at New Life, is one of the boys on campus. We are hoping to use this time to learn more sign language to better minister to him and also one day start deaf ministries in all our churches. Khona, who is one of the pastors and a Xhosa language school teacher, is still teaching Xhosa classes online. We are also working on materials where we can soon start an Afrikaans language school as well.