A lot of last minute things

The list of things we need to finish up in order to be ready for camp on December 11th is a littler longer than I had hoped, but I still think we’ll be ready.  We are so grateful for the $8150 that came in to help toward our $15,000 goal.  Pray we can raise the remaining $6850 before camp.  This last amount will help cover the beds, mattresses, electrical, plumbing, and kitchen needs.  Our 75 mattresses arrived on Thanksgiving Day and we are in the process of building the triple bunk beds now.  I really appreciate the help missionaries Jeremy and Kevin Hall have given in helping get the beds put together.  We would be in real trouble right now if it wasn’t for them:)

There has been a lot of talk about camp, especially with the purchase of the property for Camp Rhino and our first camp starting in December.  We are excited about the camp and how it will aid our ministries, but please don’t forget the focus of everything we do is pointed toward training leaders for church planting and church growth.  Our first semester of Bible college begins at the first part of the year.  We are excited about things getting started up on the campus of Camp Rhino to see more young people trained for the ministry.

There are 5 churches we work with in Port Elizabeth, but we need so much more to impact the more than 1 million souls here.  Pray for lives to be changed by the Gospel and dedicated to the work of God.  Pray for more laborers.

To sign off, here’s just a random picture I wanted to share of a few of my kids singing at a special meeting.

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