Coffey Family August 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests

  • The sell of our home in the US. We have taken out a loan in the States to cover the remaining $42,000 we needed to buy the property for Camp Rhino.  The sell of our house should more than cover the needed amount  if we can sell it in time.  We do have a supporting church trying to raise $20,000 toward that amount as well.   Pray we can pay back this loan asap.      
  • Our oldest son Tyler, who is in Bible College back in the States, and our 2nd oldest son Chase, who will be leaving for Bible college in January.  They both are training for missions.
  • Finances to get Camp Rhino ready for our first camp on December 10th.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • One teen made a profession of faith during our discipleship meeting this month.  He was invited by his friend who was saved a few weeks prior.
  • A young adult and his mom made professions of faith during door to door visitation this past week while visiting for the the new Kuyga church plant.  An older man made a decision for Christ after church this past Sunday.  Please pray they grow and make sure of their salvation.
  • Pray for a group from Fellowship Baptist Church in Madison, VA as they arrive on September 22nd.  They will be here to get Camp Rhino ready for the first week of camp in December.   
  • We would love  the opportunity to host a group from your church here in South Africa next year.  Please contact me for an information packet.  It would be an honor to facilitate a trip that would encourage and challenge your people.

Our deadline to purchase property for Camp Rhino is on August 31st, and it looks like we will have the money just in time.  With the improvement in the exchange rate and with some extra offerings, we now only lack $42,000 to pay for the property and cover lawyer fees. 

We were able to work it out with a bank in the States to borrow that money for 120 days so we could meet our deadline.  It looks like all funds will be available a few days before August 31st, which means we will soon have access to the property. 

This has been a long day coming, but we are very anxious to get to work.  A lot has to be accomplished before our first day of camp on December 10th.  If you would be interested in helping by giving or by coming and working, you are all welcome.  Our top priorities right now are the guy and girl dorms, kitchen facility, soccer field, and sand volleyball court. 

Pray for us as things are about to get even busier.

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