May 2016 Coffey Family Prayer Letter

Prayer Request

  • Visa Renewals for my family-  Our daughter Addison’s visa was denied this month and our other children’s visas were only extended to July.  We don’t see it being a major problem, but it will take a bit more time and money.
  • Upcoming Soccer tournament May 28th- The outreach is geared at sharing the Gospel with new teens. 
  • Tract Distribution- We’re praying to see more come to church & Christ through these efforts. 

Things at New Life are going well.  We haven’t seen many saved this month, but we’ve been having good services and training sessions.  We are working at building a stronger core at the church that will be able to help when we leave for our furlough in December, which is only 6 months away.  Please pray our evangelistic efforts will be more fruitful this coming month.

We are thankful for those that have helped finish the basement project.  We now have two larger rooms that will be used for teens and children ministries.  The young people have really enjoyed the new space. 

The building at Wells Estate Baptist has temporarily stopped.  We had enough funds to finish the outside but were unable to continue with the electrical and plumbing.  We’re hoping to be able to finish in June so the church can move into their new facility.


We have stopped our Saturday meeting in Jeffery’s Bay at the moment.  The family we were working with has been able to get transportation to attend all the services in PE now, so the push to start something new in that area isn’t as pressing.  With only six months left, we decided starting a new ministry in that area may be best when we return from furlough.

More Highlights

  • Kevin and Corli Hall are back in SA now and have taken over at Grace Baptist Church.  Our family will be helping at this church as well on Sunday evenings and with the Bible Institute. 
  • Missionaries Stephen and Ashely Underwood are coming to the end of their deputation.  Pray the rest of their support comes in.


  • Approx. $1500 to finish the electrical and plumbing of Wells Estate’s new auditorium.
  • Electric Piano- $400