Prayer Request
- New Saturday service started in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa- Saturday Bible Club
- The Kevin and Corli Hall family- They return from furlough at the end of this month.
- $1000 to complete the basement area for New Life Baptist Church. The only thing that lacks is the electrical work.
- Approx. $1500 for the inside of Wells Estate’s new auditorium.
- $500 for printing tracks and booklets
The Friday before Easter, aka “Good Friday”, was a big day at New Life. We had a special 10:00 am combined service with Soweto Baptist Church. It was the largest attended service in the one-year history of our church. Around 50 people came from Soweto and about 100 people came from our community. We praise the Lord for the two people who trusted Christ, and for the three new adults who have been coming to all the services since.
The basement project for New Life Baptist is almost complete. The only thing we lack is the electrical work and decorating. Even without lights, the children were thrilled to start using the room, and the adults were also pretty grateful not having the kids in the next room:)
Our new building for Wells Estate Baptist Church is finished on the outside, but quite a bit of work needs to be done on the inside. We are hoping the funds come in this next month so we can completely finish this project. The church is growing and we’re happy about the new location that comes with a lot of growing room.